Crazy signs

These are all the random signs I find in Japan that amuse me. I hope they amuse you too.

Saturday, October 01, 2005


Other random stuff

In a station somewhere.

Yes. That says Graceland Residence.


Yokohama weirdness

Nothing like a good Hot Snuck

In China Tow
n, where they apparently serve you panda and pig heads on platters for 270yen.

I just think these are funny.

Not as strange as some, but what is "Muscle Musical Theatre"?


Tokyo weirdness

"Up to when, a translation is not known
Only God knows, this meaning make a dog beg
Who is wanting, God is not known, either.
After all, who knows nothing.
The foolish people of
The invention of knowing."

Sorry, I didn't get the last word.

This store sells sunglasses. That's it.

On a truck

On the train

A love hotel

Do you need an explanation?

These aren't
necessarily weird in themselves, but it's really unusual to see signs in anything but Japanese or English.

Wednesday, September 14, 2005


Prostate Problems?

On the streets of Tokushima

And the close ups

Sunday, September 11, 2005


Political Posters

There was a big election today in Japan, so these political posters have been everywhere.

I think this first guy is my favorite. He looks off?constipated?what?

And her little tiny "I'm making a fist, but a very unagressive one" pose is great.

Turns out these two guys are NOT rivals. I assumed since the guy on the left looks so bad that he must be he guy on the right's opponent. But nope. According to Tomomi they're partners. This is like Nixon and JFK on television, if they'd been running together.

The Prime Minister is said to be "The Japanese Richard Gere". He does sort of look like him...well, the hair at least.


September 2005   October 2005  

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